Roadtrip Hotlanta: Day One

Howdy ya’ll!!!  Or as they say here in New England, Hello.  I’m safe and sound in the great state of Massachusetts!  It’s been raining all day off-and-on, but whatevs.  I’m on VAcATIoN!!

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Shit Happens, or Why I Love Derby Lite

As someone who’s spent the better part of a decade trying to reconcile herself to a chronic disease, I know all too well you can be miserable, or you can accept, adapt, and move on.  Shit happens. Whether good or bad, it’s life. And life is what you make it.

Four years ago I told the world: I want to be a roller girl. I declared my intent, as well as my fear, and I owned it. Although some initially scoffed, most readers said GO FOR IT!  Last fall, I finally strapped 8 wheels to my feet and rolled out of my comfort zone.

Continue reading “Shit Happens, or Why I Love Derby Lite”